Tuesday 27 March 2018

Kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi Parti Rakyat Malaysia, Kedah, Sdr Tan Kang Yap.

Kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi Parti Rakyat Malaysia, Kedah, Sdr Tan Kang Yap. 

Tidak lama sebelum ini,  China Press memetik berita daripada media atas talian menyatakan pergolakan dalaman sedang berlaku di mana adun negeri Kota Darulaman Teoh KP dan DUN Derga Tan Kok Yeow masing-masing merebut supaya bertanding di ADUN selamat di DUN Kota Darulaman.

Sekira berita tersebut di atas adalah benar, cukup menonjolkan khabar angin konon perebutan kuasa dan pecah belah sehingga pembahagian beberapa puak,  pergolakan dalaman sejak pilihanraya 308 selama dua penggal,  tidak pernah berhenti. 

ADUN sedia ada bukan sahaja tidak memberi perkhimatan kepada DUNnya sendiri,  bahkan Taman yang didiaminya juga diabaikan,  Ini telah menjadi satu rahsia terbuka. Mungkin terbalit dengan pergolakan dalaman,  sehingga media atas talian juga menyebarkan kehidupan peribadinya yang melibatkan dua sifat perangai yang ada pada dirinya sendiri. 

Sesungguhnya,  pengundi mengharapkan wakil rakyat yang dipilihnya bakal menunjuk prestasinya,  sebaliknya, andai kata ADUN bertelagah sehingga mengabaikan masalah hidupan harian rakyat,  maka ia amat malang bagi pengundi. 

Tanpa keraguan,  apa penyebab keadaan yg berlaku pada keadaan sedia ada pada hari ini,  tidak lain tidak bukan ia ada sangkut​ paut dengan  mekanisma pemilihan calon parti.  Berdasar pilihanraya-pilihanraya sebelum ini, dapat kita memerhati calon yang bertanding adalah muka baru belaka,  pemilihan calon yang bakal layak bertanding tidak mengikut garis panduan tertera di mana is hanya mengikut arahan mutlak pusat. Ini menyebabkan mantan ADUN yang ada sedia kala tidak semestinya kekal bertanding di DUN sendiri yang sedia ada,  maka jarang bertungkus lumus memberi perkhidmatan yang sepenuhnya.  Maklum saja,  pusat beranggapan DUN ini adalah zon selamat,  pengundi akan memilih berpaksikan parti dan bukan calon,  barang siapa yang bertanding pastinya akan menang. 

Apa yang dimaksudkan "zon selamat" adalah istilah yang terluah daripada pergolakan dalaman.  Seandainya ini benar,  maka di bawah keadaan yang tidak memuaskan,  parti masih mengekal kemenangan kerusinya,  dalam sebuah negara demokrasi,  maka ia amat menyedihkan. 

Pilihanraya kali ini amat berbeza dengan pilihanraya 308 dan 505, ia menyebabkan PAS semakin kuat tetapi akhirya berpisah daripada Pakatan Rakyat, tetapi bergabung dengan PPBM yang berlandaskan perkauman dan ugama yang diterajui oleh bekas PM yang pernah mentadbir negara kita selama 22 tahun.

Jelas sekali,  pilihanraya aliran dua parti merupakan satu kegagalan,  kita bukan sahaja kembali kepada sistem politik dan model parti seumpama dengan BN yang berlandaskan perkauman dan ugama,  pernah kita begitu lantang menjerit-jerit "pertukaran kerajaan,  menjauhi rasuah dan korupsi" tidak kesampaian.  Tetapi diganti pula,  baik di pihak kerajaan mahupun pembangkang,  sekandal-sekandal, rasuah dan korupsi sering kedengaran!  Pilihanraya kali ini,  pengundi bakal kehilangan hala tujuan! 

Kami percaya pengundi memijak di bumi kenyalang yang berdasar kepada hakikat sebenar,  menjastifikasikan keadaan memilih calon dan bukannya parti sahaja,  maka wujudnya prinsip "ayunan jam" saling berganti.  Kalau istilah "zon selamat" itu benar,   maka kita akan menghantar satu mesej yang salah,  tidak kira di bawah apa keadaan sekali pun,  mereka tetap menang,  termasuk menerima rasuah,  korupsi, politik perkauman dan ugama. 

Tiada pakatan yang kekal,  tidak musuh politik yang kekal,  hanya ada kepentingan parti yang kekal. Ini ditonjokkan dalam arena politik yang ada sekarang, demi memerintahkan negara, untuk menyakinkan dan sokongan kaum lain,  ada yang yang sanggup mempermainkan sentimen ugama dan perkauman sehingga mengetepikan prinsip partinya "Malaysian Malaysia", sehingga mengabaikan sokongan majoriti Cina sebelum ini dengan mengisthiharkan ianya bukan mewakili kaum Cina bagaikan kacang lupakan kulitnya. 

Akan tetapi,  ia memandang rendah kebijaksanaan pengundi,  menganggap pengundi tetap kekal....  undian tegar.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia's official logo and mascot

These are Parti Rakyat Malaysia's official logos...

Parti Rakyat's ad for GE 14



Sunday 25 March 2018

Calon-calon Parti Rakyat Kedah

人民党陈建业宣布出战 哥打达鲁阿曼四角混战 - e南洋商报Nanyang Siang Pau | 马来西亚新闻真实报道 http://www.enanyang.my/?p=1014369

Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 25/3/2018.

Thursday 22 March 2018

Why we left DAP

A lot of people questioned why leaders and members are leaving DAP.  There is a lot of speculation and accusations saying that these leaders have been bought by BN, etc etc.

A press conference was called on 10 March 2018 to clarify and explain to the public why 50 leaders and members from DAP left the party and joined Parti Rakyat.  There was media coverage the newspapers as well as TV news channels.  Below is the coverage by TV8 Malaysia.


Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 11/3/2018.

DAP in Pandan is no more

All 3 DAP Pandan branch leaders and active members have quit DAP and joined Parti Rakyat today.  Following this latest development, there will be no more active DAP branches in the whole of Pandan now.
Jenice Lee in her press conference today, openly invited Maria Chin Abdullah from the Bersih movement to join Parti Rakyat. She appreciates the work of Maria who is an activist. Jenice suggested to Maria that if she wants to choose a platform to further her work, she should choose a party with vision and principles. If Maria is willing to join Parti Rakyat the Party will certainly give her a seat to contest, unlike in Pakatan where she needs to beg for a seat.
Parti Rakyat's press conference today

Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 10/3/2018.

Parti Rakyat in Seberang Perai Selatan

Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 9/3/2018.

Parti Rakyat announced candidates

FMT says that Parti Rakyat is set to be third force in Penang.  For us, it doesn't matter whether it is third or tenth or whatever.  Rakyat is always the First!

See FMT report below,

Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 8/2/2018

Third force in Penang

FMT says that Parti Rakyat is set to be third force in Penang.  For us, it doesn't matter whether it is third or tenth or whatever.  Rakyat is always the First!

See FMT report below,

Posted on Parti Rakyat's Facebook page on 8/2/2018

The Rakyat are not stupid

The Rakyat are not stupid.  Their eyes are clear as crystal balls.

Click on the link below for the news...
Penang news

Posted on https://www.facebook.com/PrmMalaysia/ on 4/2/2018.

We are back!

Sidang media Pulau Pinang. Bekas wartawan Chua Cheong Wee, bekas ahli Dap Chew Seng Tung dan rakannya, Master Stevan Yeoh, Surjana Muda Lai Yuen Nee, Lai Cheng Xin, Tan Kim Hock, Teoh Huck Ping dan Tan Hooi Keong mohon sertai parti kita.

Mereka akan mewakili Parti Rakyat Malaysia untuk bertanding di dalam pilihan raya akan datang ...

Together we can!!!

Extracted from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PrmMalaysia/ dated 3/2/2018

Parti Rakyat continues the fight

Click here to read the news on Sin Chew

Parti Rakyat taking on DAP strong man in Penang

Click here to read the story on Free Malaysia Today

This day in Selangor

Event at Parti Rakyat HQ on 20/1/2018

李映霞正式加入马来西亚人民党 (Parti Rakyat Malaysia)
各位好!今天我李映霞正式加入了马来西亚人民党Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)!
感谢党领导对我的信任,我将尽我所能履行党交给我的职责,特别是在实践人民党的愿景和使命上。此外,我觉得这个派对更贴近人民, 因此我们决心招纳更多志同道合的人一起加入这个大家庭。除了党员我们也需要大量的义工协助我们迎战大选。
最后我们希望招揽更多的朋友协助我们,有兴趣者可以把您的姓名、地址和电话号码通过电子邮件 prmselangor@gmail.com或通过whatsapp 013-881 0422短讯发送过来,以便我们的工作人员可以与您联系。人们也可以通过https://www.facebook.com/leeyingha与我进行互动

Jenice Lee joins Parti Rakyat Malaysia

李映霞正式加入马来西亚人民党 (Parti Rakyat Malaysia)
各位好!今天我李映霞正式加入了马来西亚人民党Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)!
感谢党领导对我的信任,我将尽我所能履行党交给我的职责,特别是在实践人民党的愿景和使命上。此外,我觉得这个派对更贴近人民, 因此我们决心招纳更多志同道合的人一起加入这个大家庭。除了党员我们也需要大量的义工协助我们迎战大选。
最后我们希望招揽更多的朋友协助我们,有兴趣者可以把您的姓名、地址和电话号码通过电子邮件 prmselangor@gmail.com或通过whatsapp 013-881 0422短讯发送过来,以便我们的工作人员可以与您联系。人们也可以通过https://www.facebook.com/leeyingha与我进行互动
Jenice Lee officially joins the People's Party of Malaysia (Parti Rakyat Malaysia)
Hello, everyone! Today, I am Jenice Lee and I have just joined the Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)!
As a member of the People's Party, I am very happy and proud to be prepared to cooperate with the party leadership in the 14th general election.
I believe that the People's Party can change Malaysia's political landscape because it is a long-established and principled political party that has for many years worked hard for people's rights regardless of race, religion and status while actively seeking social justice and equality.
I thank the party leaders for their trust in me and I will do my best to discharge the duties entrusted to me by the party, especially in implementing the People's Party's vision and mission. In addition, I think this party is closer to the people, so we are determined to recruit more like-minded people to join the family together. In addition to party members, we also need a lot of volunteers to help us meet the general election.
Before I was 20 years old, I was involved in various social movements and political parties. I was a student leader who participated in the social reform movement in 1998. In 2000 joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP). I was elected the Selangor State Assemblywoman in 2008.
I was elected head of the Youth League and won the highest number of votes in the Selangor election. However, before the 13th general election, I was accused of corruption by a senior Democratic Action Party leader.  However, concrete evidence has not been put forward till today. Two days before the nomination of the 13th general election, I was expelled from the party and I stood for the election as an independent candidate.
Over the past five years, I have formed a non-governmental organization and are obliged to assist residents in the Teratai and Pandan constituencies. Residents in these areas still recognize and trust me.
Finally, we hope to attract more friends to help us. Interested parties can send their name, address and phone number by e-mail prmselangor@gmail.com or whatsapp 013-881 0422 so that our staff can contact them You can also reach me at https://www.facebook.com/leeyingha

Posted by admin on January 20, 2018

Giat #Selangor


Posted by admin on January 20, 2018

PRM sampai di Selangor

雪州的曙光 #PRM
This one to ALL COMRADES SACRIFICED in the 60s'...

Posted by admin on 20 January 2018

Racial quotas divide Malaysians


Malaysians are generally fair-minded. Unfortunately, decades of racial and religion-based quotas have resulted in a majority Malay class that takes their “special rights” for granted. 

If Malaysians are serious about forging national unity, as a nation we need to focus on modifying existing government programs with a reduced emphasis on race and religion, and instead, focus assistance on programs for ALL Malaysians who are poor, suffering from disability, or extraordinarily talented Malaysians who can contribute to the nation in exceptional fashion.

There is nothing more poisonous to relationships than unequal treatment. Siblings treated unequally by parents become estranged for decades. Employees being paid lower salaries for the same job done by another colleague find methods to punish their employers by leaving or by sabotage.

These are truths that are self-evident to all of us. So why have Malaysia’s pro-Bumiputera policies persisted for decades?

The answer - of course - is many Malay elites and middle class do not care that there is unequal access to education, lucrative government contracts and cradle-to-grave civil service positions, as long as they benefit. If enough moderate Malays clamor for equal treatment among the races, politicians would be forced to comply. Unfortunately, the basic instinct is to not question the status quo and simply blame politicians for "the system" or say there is a “social contract” mandating race-based discrimination forever. 

Unequal treatment of races in Malaysia is not just a barrier to national cohesion, Malaysia's Malay-first policies undermine the nation's moral authority to question the genuine discrimination suffered so many others: poor and disenfranchised Malaysians in Malaysia especially in Sabah and Sarawak, Rohingayas in our ASEAN backyard and the millions of displaced Muslims in the Middle East. Hypocrites are hard to taken seriously - how can Malaysian Muslims champion equality and justice - when they discriminate against fellow citizens who are non-Malay or non-Muslim, in their own country?

The solution is not difficult. The Malaysian government should simply help all Malaysians who are poor, disabled or have disadvantaged backgrounds. This is a broad group that invariably includes poor Malays in kampungs and poorer states like Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak. Children of rich Malay Datuks, Chinese tycoons and wealthy Indian families living in million-ringgit Bangsar or Bukit Tunku homes need not be granted scholarships unless on the basis of pure merit. 

We are not optimistic that Malaysia’s institutional racism can be overturned in the near future. Neither Barisan Nasional nor Pakatan Harapan coalitions support measures to eliminate race and religious-based quotas. 

And yet, if we do not first DISCUSS such issues, we will never take the necessary steps to DEBATE and DECIDE ON the key steps Malaysia needs to take to reform its political system, to enhance democracy and to broaden economic prosperity.

If enough Malaysians - especially the majority Malays - question the status quo, eventually Malaysian leaders will accept that the nation is ready to move forward as ONE nation, not a country with First Class, Second Class and Dan-Lain-Lain classes of Malaysians with different political rights and protections.

Posted by MalaysiaWorks on 16/1/2018.

Problems with SUKE project @ Taman Saga

En Koh Swe Yong, Secretary General of Parti Rakyat Malaysia and chairman of Parti Rakyat Selangor, today patrolled Taman Saga and met up with the local residents there, together with Ms Jenice Lee, who is the party's candidate for the constituency there. He made the following observations and comments.

He said that when approving such projects, the government had stringent requirements and the projects need to be closely supervised during the construction period to ensure compliance with specifications and construction standards in order to prevent accidents.

However, looking our SUKE project involving the local residents at Taman Saga, it looks like an unplanned project. He questioned whether the authorities are actually supervising the works and ensuring that the works are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the local government and the Bureau of Public Works.

As an authority responsible, it is necessary to take action to ensure that contractors construct while abiding by the regulations, and contractors must ensure that the safety of residents comes first. This elevated highway is one of the major projects in the state of Selangor and prevention is better than cure.

He said that projects like this one are going on in many parts of the country. Every time the government approves the project, the people often only know how much the project costs, but are not aware of the damage to the environment. We have seen that flash floods have recently occurred in Johor, Kelantan and Penang, and even in the region of Selangor.

He believes that people have the right to know. The government should disclose the impact of these projects on the environment as well as the consequences of implementing these projects.

He emphasized that the People's Party believes that there must be a balance between development and the environment so as not to sacrifice the future of our children for our current benefits.