Thursday 22 March 2018

Jenice Lee joins Parti Rakyat Malaysia

李映霞正式加入马来西亚人民党 (Parti Rakyat Malaysia)
各位好!今天我李映霞正式加入了马来西亚人民党Parti Rakyat Malaysia(PRM)!
感谢党领导对我的信任,我将尽我所能履行党交给我的职责,特别是在实践人民党的愿景和使命上。此外,我觉得这个派对更贴近人民, 因此我们决心招纳更多志同道合的人一起加入这个大家庭。除了党员我们也需要大量的义工协助我们迎战大选。
最后我们希望招揽更多的朋友协助我们,有兴趣者可以把您的姓名、地址和电话号码通过电子邮件 prmselangor@gmail.com或通过whatsapp 013-881 0422短讯发送过来,以便我们的工作人员可以与您联系。人们也可以通过与我进行互动
Jenice Lee officially joins the People's Party of Malaysia (Parti Rakyat Malaysia)
Hello, everyone! Today, I am Jenice Lee and I have just joined the Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)!
As a member of the People's Party, I am very happy and proud to be prepared to cooperate with the party leadership in the 14th general election.
I believe that the People's Party can change Malaysia's political landscape because it is a long-established and principled political party that has for many years worked hard for people's rights regardless of race, religion and status while actively seeking social justice and equality.
I thank the party leaders for their trust in me and I will do my best to discharge the duties entrusted to me by the party, especially in implementing the People's Party's vision and mission. In addition, I think this party is closer to the people, so we are determined to recruit more like-minded people to join the family together. In addition to party members, we also need a lot of volunteers to help us meet the general election.
Before I was 20 years old, I was involved in various social movements and political parties. I was a student leader who participated in the social reform movement in 1998. In 2000 joined the Democratic Action Party (DAP). I was elected the Selangor State Assemblywoman in 2008.
I was elected head of the Youth League and won the highest number of votes in the Selangor election. However, before the 13th general election, I was accused of corruption by a senior Democratic Action Party leader.  However, concrete evidence has not been put forward till today. Two days before the nomination of the 13th general election, I was expelled from the party and I stood for the election as an independent candidate.
Over the past five years, I have formed a non-governmental organization and are obliged to assist residents in the Teratai and Pandan constituencies. Residents in these areas still recognize and trust me.
Finally, we hope to attract more friends to help us. Interested parties can send their name, address and phone number by e-mail or whatsapp 013-881 0422 so that our staff can contact them You can also reach me at

Posted by admin on January 20, 2018

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